
Impact Ministry Group is a church planting ministry made up of two divisions: Impact Canada and Impact Europe.
Impact Ministry Group seeks to ignite individuals, businessmen and churches with purpose in the planting of New Testament Christian Churches in Canada, Europe and Russian-speaking communities.
The mission of Impact Ministry Group is to reach people throughout Canada, Europe and Russian-speaking communities with the Gospel of Jesus Christ by planting reproducing churches in highly unchurched regions. This is a Biblical mission. In obedience to the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20), we are seeking to share the Good News with the diverse people groups that call Canada or Europe home.
We exist to raise up leaders and resources to seek lost people in unchurched, densely populated communities with the intention of planting a church among them that will reproduce itself to continue to reach others through the birth of even more new churches.
PARTNER with churches and passionate church planters to plant new churches.
TRAIN leaders through training events, classes, and coaching.
NETWORK with Christ-centered individuals, churches and organizations to explore new opportunities, create working strategies and provide needed resources.